Emotional Health,  Mental Health

Processing Courage

Over on the podcast we talked about Flipping the Script and moving our minds from fear to courage. You can listen here to the episode for more stories and real life examples of what this might look like in our daily lives. 


Here are a few key steps in processing courage…


First, it’s important to remind ourselves we each have dreams and desires. This is ok. 

We have to give ourselves space to recognize the dreams we hush.


It’s important to recognize these dreams. They may be small or large, both are equally important! 


We also talked about how these dreams may stem from necessity, boredom, or passion. 


Oftentimes, they stem from a combination of these roots. Over on the podcast I talked about a desire to get healthy and active again. This stemmed out of necessity when I was finding my way out of a dark place of depression and anxiety. My body needed a fresh new habit of healthy endorphins. 


It might be a dream of reclaiming some space for yourself. 


Remember, you’re a whole person besides the labels and titles we wear all the time: mom, dad, wife, husband, widow, single, teacher, businessman, nurse, etc. 


We can wear a lot of titles without realizing the core or essence, the spirit of who you are starts to disappear. Perhaps this drives you to dream of taking a new job, finding a new hobby, starting a new business, traveling to a new place.


Second, we have to identify our fear. If we never slow down to identify our fear(s) we end up believing narratives that are not true. We tell ourselves the negative and believe it is the only story out there. 


You can’t fight your fear unless you identify your fear!


You could never start that business because you don’t know what you’re doing. 

You can’t travel alone because you’ll have no idea where to go or how to get around.

You can’t volunteer at that place because you have nothing of value to offer anyone. 


When we identify and name the fears we begin to strip the story in our minds of the lies we believe.


Third, we have to Flip the Script! Refram that fear.


How can this fear help strengthen you as you pursue your dream? 


Our minds can so quickly focus on the negatives, the what ifs. What if something good happens? Don’t forget to play out the positives, the benefits, the ways this fear can make you better in the long run. 


Starting that business can bring a whole new community into your life.

Traveling to that place can reawaken some fresh perspective and remind you how capable you are.

Volunteering at that place can find your voice and rediscover gratitude, and purpose. 


When we Flip the Script, suddenly the benefits can start to outweigh the fears.


Lastly, we take the first steps. Start somewhere! 


When you take that first step, suddenly the fear can melt away. Your courage can take over. It’s healthy to recognize both can be present simultaneously: fear and courage. 


Fear is real.
So is your courage!


Take some time to slow down and reflect on your life. Use the FREE Guide to Processing Courage as a tool to help you walk this process out.