Spiritual Health

Called Close & Sent Out

My college dance professor called my name as I sat on the studio floor with the other dancers. Midterm conferences had arrived. When this professor called me into her office I knew she would talk about my grade and skill level. I expected a basic conversation, simple pleasantries. She looked over her notes as I sat in the metal retro chair across from her. 

“Brooke, why are you not majoring in dance?” Direct and to the point.

My timid self was shocked! “Ummm, what?” I asked.

“Why are you only in two dance classes this semester? You’ve never auditioned for any of our performances. I’m just curious because you clearly love dancing and you’re one of the best in the class. You catch on quickly, have talent, and beautiful lines in your body.” She smiled from ear to ear as she looked back up from the scribbles on her notepad. 

She had called me into a new realization, an unknown direction. A life pursuing dance in a company had never crossed my mind! She explained detailed commentary about my movement, my body, and my personality. 

This spunky spirited professor I fiercely respected as a dancer, choreographer, and creative soul not only affirmed me, she challenged me. This mentor gave me skills to perfect, and upcoming auditions to show up for. Lastly, she challenged me to consider double majoring.

It all started with a calling. She called my name. She brought me in. She sent me out. I had questions on my mind, and challenges to consider.

Have you ever had that moment when someone calls you close and you know your world is about to shift? Suddenly There’s a new fire inside your soul.

During my month in the gospels I kept noticing the word “called.”

The people follow Jesus like paparazzi, showing up in droves to see him work miracles. They call him. They hover. They want his magic touch, his blessing, a swipe of his robe, or piece of his bread. He meets people. He chooses to extend his stay or host them on the mountainside a little longer. 

The thing is he doesn’t actually call the crowds. He calls a smaller, more intimate group of people. He calls “…those whom he desired…” (Mark 3:13). He calls the twelve disciples to follow. He calls Mary to him. He calls Lazarus out of the grave. He calls Zacheus down from a tree. He calls demons out of people. 

He calls us for a specific reason. He calls us in, to send us out.

Take the twelve disciples for example. He calls them to go up the mountain or to a boat. Anywhere that will take them away from the crowds. He privately explains all of those parables woven into stories for the crowds. He intimately breaks down what he’s been saying to the masses. With the “called” he’s direct and to the point. 

Jesus even gives them a challenge. In Mark 3:14-15 and Luke 9:1-6 he gives them a newfound responsibility. A newfound power they didn’t know they had. He sends them out to the villages. He challenges them to preach. He moves them to action. 

When we accept his challenge to move we must rely on him. We get to do the things we don’t feel equipped to do. We get to go places we never thought we would go. As a result, people believe. They see their own world in a newfound way. They experience a shift of hope they did not possess before. 

He sends us out to call others close to him. 

I unknowingly waited for a new direction as I sat on that dance floor in the studio. My professor called my name & I was never the same. 

Similarly, the disciples unknowingly waited for new power as they sat on the mountainside. Jesus called their names with authority & they were never the same. 

We unknowingly wait for new life as we sit in our living rooms, office chairs, drive thru lines, and Saturday game sidelines. Are we ready to hear the direct and personal calling Jesus has for us? If we move in close to hear his voice, we will never be the same again.

Who is he using in your life right now to help call you closer to him?

Are you listening to his calling? Or is there noise drowning him out?

Are you following the direction he sends you? Or are you staying obstinately planted? Or running in the opposite direction?

Others wait with unknowing anticipation to come closer to his mighty presence too. They unknowingly wait for deeper explanations and direct life changing challenges of their own.

He wants to call you close and send you out for a bigger purpose. Let’s hear the call, come in close & be sent out.

One Comment

  • Sara Ann Barker

    A good reminder Brooke. Thanks for sharng your eloquent thoughts. So good to take the time to stop and listen to His voice and His call on our lives.